MAA Invoicer
React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Google Calendar API - Automated invoice generator using Google Calendar
My name is Jordan Ardoin, and I am an Acadiana-based software
engineer with a focus in web development. I am dedicated to bringing
value to local businesses and enabling them to reach their goals by
providing highly-accessible, responsive websites & applications.
As a professional musician and music teacher for over a decade,
I have relied upon countless websites and applications to aid in my
learning, teaching students, and growing my career. Somewhere along
the way, I became more enamored with creating those technologies than
using them - I began building an application to automate my lesson
invoices, and the rest is history. Now, as a software engineer and web
developer, I hope to solve unique and compelling problems that will
have as positive of an impact on others as the technologies I have
used had on me.
React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Google Calendar API - Automated invoice generator using Google Calendar
Created and hosted a resume as a website - used AWS serverless applications to count and display visitors on resume
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Whether you need an entire website built or a custom solution for your
current site, I am here to help -
Contact me today!